Thephysiological structures of men and women are various and they even havedifferences in heart. Recently, an article written by USA cardiac surgeryexpert Mark · Kirillov and cardiologist Steven · Nissen was publicized on a USwebsite called “RealAge” and it summarized four major differences in men’s andwomen’s hearts.
Difference1: men have a larger heart size than women, and women have finer heart vesselsthan men. This difference is induced byestrogen, progesterone hormone and androgen (testicular hormone). Androgen willdilate vessels, and estrogen will contract vessels. Therefore, women’s vesselsare more apt to experience thrombus, and the difficulty in vascular repair ishigher in the angioplasty or coronary bypass operation. Fine vessels arerelated with other vascular diseases, such as, inflammatory diseases such asmigraine, lupus and rheumatic arthritis. These diseases are common in women anduncommon in men.
Difference2: men’s thrombi are hard and wide, and women’s are soft and few. The direct cause of most coronary heartdisease is vascular embolism, but the category and formation position of men’sthrombi are often different from those of women. Men’s heart disease will oftenaffect the three major branches of coronary heart artery (left anteriordescending branch, left circumflex branch and right coronary artery) andexperience wide calcification spots (coronary sclerosis). As for women’s heartdisease, they rarely experience the phenomenon of comprehensive calcificationspots, and one or two arterial vessels are influenced. However, the thrombi offemale patients are often soft, and they are more apt to experience freedetachment, further increasing the risk of heart diseases.
Difference3: men are more apt to experience thrombotic heart disease, and women are aptto experience angiospasm. The studycarried out by Kirillov and Nissen found that, among the female coronary heartdisease patients who receive transcatheter interventional technique, 30% ofthem did not experience blockage in the coronary heart disease and the shapewas seemingly normal, and the incidence rate was far lower than that of men.The onset of these female heart disease is induced by heart ischemia, and currentlythe specific mechanism is not completely clear. However, the scientists believethat, women’s coronary heart is related with fine heart arterial vessels andangiospasm.
Difference4: women’s heart had one more line of defense than men’s. Estrogen is of protective effects on women’sheart, and it is a natural line of defense. With the arrival of climactericage, the level of estrogen drop, the protection on women’s heart becomedeclines; with the increase in age, the risk of heart disease increases. As issuggested by Kirillov and Nissen, upon the entry into the climacteric age,women should discuss their doctors to formulate one heart health plan,including active movement, low-salt and low-fat diets and daily monitoring ofblood lipid and blood pressure.